Who We Are
At Trinity Wesleyan Church, we are striving to be a church that does 3 Main Things: Search Within, Equip the Body, and Unleash Hope.
Search Within: We all have areas we aren't proud of and things that hold us back from God. We first need to examine ourselves. With Jesus' help we aim to get 1% better each day, growing, searching, and getting rid of the things that hold us back. (See Psalm 139:23-24)
Equip the Body: We believe God has uniquely gifted each person on earth to glorify Him. It is part of a pastor's job description to help you find your purpose and calling. Yes, YOU have a part to play. God chose you to help bring about his purposes on earth. Let's do it together. (See Ephesians 4:11-16). We are really excited to have an amazing program that pairs you with a "mentor" that will help you do this. It is called the Discipleship Pathway. Interested in growing closer to God and finding your purpose? Send us a message!
Unleash Hope: This is the fun part! When we have been given so much hope from God, we get to share it with others. It's like winning the lottery or sharing amazing news! We believe that hope is something this world needs more of and we can't wait to share it with our city!
What even is a Wesleyan?
Long story short, The Wesleyan Church split from the Methodist Church back in the 1800s on the issue of slavery. The Wesleyans believed slavery was evil and took away the image that God had given humanity. The Wesleyan Church denomination is similar to The Nazarene or Free Methodist movements.
Where we're headed
We won't stop until the whole world knows that Jesus gives hope to the hopeless, heals broken marriages, breaks addictions. We are Trinity Wesleyan Church and we will continue to unleash hope to the city of Dover!
What this means for you
Whether you have never stepped foot inside a church or have attended every week since you were born, YOU have a part to play! No one is too far gone or too messed up for Jesus! Everyone is the Bible has a past and things they aren't proud of. King David was a murderer, but later God called him a man after God's own heart. Paul persecuted Christians, but God changed his path and Paul became one of the first missionaries and wrote most of the New Testament. You have a purpose AND you can have hope today!
Meet Our Team
We are in fact, real people. Here's some quick things about us.
Aaron Munsell - Lead Pastor

Aaron has been the Lead Pastor since the beginning of 2021.
"I believe God is just getting started in unleashing hope to the city of Dover!"
Favorite Food: Fries
Hobbies: Photography, Graphic Design, Binging The Office, Parks & Rec, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Lesser Known Fact about me: I am a huge Metalcore & EDM fan.
Jennifer Munsell - Assistant Pastor

Jennifer wears many hats at the church (worship, children's ministry, discipleship, admin...).
"I'm excited to be a part of a church family who has a history of outreach to the community and doing church in new and creative ways."
Favorite Food: Chocolate!
Hobbies: Hammocks and Naps
Lesser known fact about me: I was born on a Marine base in North Carolina